Monday 11 January 2016

Media industries 

In the film industry there are directors like Spike Lee who directed films like He got Game, Malcolm X and Crooklyn. Which he also wrote and produced.
What a film director does: They control the films artistic and dramatic aspects, and is able to visualize the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfilment of that vision.
What a film produce does: There are a variety of producer.
Executive producer: They pitch films to the studios, but upon acceptance they may focus on business matters, such as budgets and contracts.
Producer: They are responsible for physical facilities, are given the credit of "produced by".
Pixar whom was formerly owned by LucasFilms and was acquired by The Walt Disney Company for $4.06 billion has changed the way animations have been made. Toy story was the Pixar first full movie and it was a change from the original cartoon because it was made by computer-animated.


PlayStation and Xbox is one of the most popular consoles of the 21th century but the first game console was Magnavox Odyssey. This was first released in Augusts 1972. It came with two paddle as controllers and unlike consoles now they were powered by six C batteries.Then in 1977 the Atari 2600 hit stores. They came with Joystick, Paddles, and Driving Controller. Atari 2600 sold over 30 million units and there best-selling game was Pac-man.
Fast forward to September 1995 the release of the PlayStation 1 in North America and Europe. The most successful game was Gran Turismo which had 10.85 million shipped. The PlayStation 1 was developed by the Sony computer company and is the first PlayStation. In March 2004 the Sony Company brought out the PlayStation 2 or better known as PS2. The best-selling game of the PlayStation 2 era was Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas which sold 17.33 million. As of March 31, 2012 the PS2 sold over 150 million units worldwide.

TV and Radio
The BBC which was founded ninety-two years ago have multiple television channels like CBBC which target school children due to programmes they show like 4 o'clock club. Both  BBC 1 and 2 is aimed at families due to there programming's. A way of showing this is through their counterprogramming. An example of counterprogramming is The one show, EastEnders and Holby City.
The BBC is run by the Executive Board. They are responsible for delivering the BBC’s services in accordance with the strategy agreed with the BBC Trust.
They also have radio station like BBC radio 1 which is aimed at 15–29 age group. The main thing that is broadcast is modern specialist music.

Thursday 10 December 2015

Media sector media sector I decided to pick is Games. The game I picked is NBA 2k16. It’s a basketball game available on the Xbox, Xbox1, PS3 and PS4.

Director Spike Lee has taken control of the game made better than last years by making the career mode longer and excitable. In the career mode you will be playing as a high school prospect called Frequency Vibrations and have to play as him though his journey from High school to college and the NBA.

A distribution methods that 2k did was that if you buy the Michael Jordan edition you get a

Jordan NBA 2K16 Poster

Jordan Fathead® Wall Cling

Digital Jordan shoes for your MyPLAYER Jordan T-shirt for your MyPLAYER

Digital Jordan jersey for your MyPLAYER

30,000 Virtual Currency;


3 Emerald Packs AND a new Special Edition Exclusive Moments Card.

NBA 2k16 is aimed at people who enjoy basketball so the age rating will be a 3 and up because there are not any inappropriate scenes.

Pegi is the governing body for this game. They decide whether a game is three or and eighteen.  

Media Industries: Horizontal integration and Vertical integration

Media Industries

Horizontal integration: A situation when two firms in the same industry and at the same stage of production come together. This could be through the two businesses merging together or through one firm taking over another. For example two chocolate companies or two estate agents may decide to join together.

Drawbacks: They don’t profit as much money as they should.

Vertical integration: Is where an institution has shares or owns each part of the production and distribution process. An example is Warner Bros Entertainment calls itself a fully integrated broad based entertainment company which owns film studios and the means to distribute the films as well as some of the cinemas in which they are shown.

Drawbacks: Products made might not be to the best quality.

A situation when two firms in the same industry but at different stages of production come together. This could be through the two businesses merging together or through one firm taking over another. For example a baker could buy a wheat farm or a television studio may buy up a production company which produces some of its television programmes.

Co-operatives: The media cooperatives is a relatively new form of cooperative. They are a form of alternative media, critical of capitalism, with left-wing stances. Media Cooperatives are a special form of service cooperative, in which customers and service providers usually unite to oppose the pure profit motive. In contrast to mainstream media companies, media cooperatives pursue more idealistic goals.

Code and practice of the BBC:

The codes of practice recognise:

It is in the interest of the UK television audience that there is a competitive and thriving independent production supply market.

The BBC has a role as the nation's principal public service broadcaster to help stimulate and support the development of the independent production sector.

The intention of the Code is to ensure that relations between the BBC and independent producers are conducted on a fair and transparent basis.

In line with the provisions of the BBC Agreement it includes details of how the following issues will be dealt with:

The timetable for the negotiations of the commissioning agreement.

The rights that are acquired together with the payment for, duration and exclusivity of those rights.

The arrangements for reviewing, monitoring and ensuring compliance with the Code under the auspices of Ofcom.

The provisions for resolving any disputes arising in respect of the Code.

Unlawful practice:
This is the privacy of copy-right.
Violations of health and safety rules.
Censorship blocks something from being read, heard, or seen. If you've ever heard the sound of bleeping when someone is speaking on television, that's censorship.
Example can be explicit language, violent scenes and immature scenes.
Working independently/freelance:
Sector: industries, for example film, television, radio, interactive media, interactive games, journalism;
Specialism for example: documentary, promotional videos, editing, web design, animation, scriptwriter, story boarder, music production, lyricist, photographer, copy writer, copy editor, sound editor, sound effects specialist
Resources: equipment; materials; work space; finance; time; personal
Professionalism: reliability; meeting deadlines; time management; commitment; personal and professional ethics; business relationships; presentation skills; communication skills; dress code
Health and safety: safe working practices; safety of work area; self-discipline; stress management; time management; diet and exercise; planning time off; holidays; insurance.

Media industries- Freelance and Permanent

Media industries- Freelance and Permanent

Freelance: Is someone who doesn’t work for one company full-time, but is hired by different companies for certain jobs. For example, a magazine or website will have a core team of editors who hire freelance writers to write articles, or a TV production crew might hire freelance cameramen to work on one series of programmes.

What are the advantages of freelancing? Choose your work. Being a freelancer means you don’t have a boss telling you what to do so you can say ‘no’ to jobs you don’t want. You might also get to work at home for specific projects. As long as your work is delivered to the deadline most clients won’t mind how and when you do it – making freelancing a good option for people who don’t want to work normal office hours.

Better pay. Freelancers can negotiate your own rates with the companies who hire you. Companies are often prepared to pay freelancers a better rate than their own staff because they don’t have to pay for things like sick leave as part of the contract. The more experience you have then the more money you can ask for.

What are the disadvantages of freelancing? Getting work. There are a lot of freelancers out there and getting your first few jobs can be hard. Just being good at what you do isn’t enough – you need to network, market yourself and make contacts because no-one will hire you if they don’t know you’re there! The workload can be unpredictable – sometimes you might be working all night to meet three deadlines in one week, while even the most successful freelancers have months where they get no work at all.

Managing your money. Not only will you not receive a regular paycheque per month, you’ll also have to make all the tax and National Insurance arrangements employers would normally do for you. You need to register yourself as ‘self-employed’ with Inland Revenue, who can give you some advice. You’ll also need to remember to keep some money aside for times when you’re ill or there’s no work – and while it might be great to have a holiday any time you want, remember that no-one will pay you for it!

Permanent: This means that work for that one company and are a full time worker.

The pay for a Freelance and Permanent worker is different because one can pick their own work and hours while the other can’t.

Some example of jobs and there pay:

Work type
Permanent (full time)
Freelance  Day Rate
Executive Creative Director (creative)
£100k to £160k+
£500 to £700+
Design Director ( Creative)
£55k to £85k
£300 to £400
Technical Director
 ( Development)
£55k to £75k
£350 to £500
Online Games Producer (BRANDS / CLIENTSIDE)
£45k to £55k
£250 to £330
£35k to £45k
£200 to £300

Thursday 19 November 2015

The characteristics of a mainstream film is usually a Hollywood blockbuster like Furious 7 and Terminator Genisys.  Some important characteristics for a mainstream film is the production. The production has a lot of money invested into it so it has the best quality cameras and microphones.
Mainstream Films have many outlets of distribution. A common distribution technique is through the cinemas. A mainstream film is distribution to every major cinemas.
The audience that a mainstream film targets is anyone that like a specific actor or film series like Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Terminator film series or Vin Diesel and Fast and Furious franchise.
Mainstream films is shown through red carpets premier and sometimes is distributed through mainstream cinemas like Odeon.
A way mainstream films get marketed is through partnership with companies like Duracell.
The characteristic of an independent film is a film that is produced outside of the major film studio system. Independent films are Distribution through entertainment agencies.
Independent films target audience is similar to mainstream. Most independent films target a specific group or gender. An example like Clerks there target audience is people who like late night entertainment.
An exhibition for an independent film would be held at a small local cinemas like Picture House.
A way of independent films are marketed is by doing partnership with local businesses.
Niche production usually use a home camera and talks about different things. An example is they can talk about the community.
Niche production usually goes through mainstream and independent cinemas. Also they can go through Blue ray and DVD.
Niche production is target audience are to educate people.
An exhibition of a niche production is through local and mainstream cinemas.

A way they market niche production is through giving leaflets and over social media.