Monday 9 November 2015

Revision for exam

Scott revision
Analogue: Any media that uses old recording, transmitting and broadcast technology.
Digital: Any media that are encoded in a machine readable format. It can be created, viewed, distributed, modified and preserved on computer.          
Broadcast: Broadcast is the distribution of audio and/or video content to a wide audience; this take place using both wires and radio waves.
Platform: Where the media product is used (not a device)  
Device: What you consume the media product on.  
Devices: Compute, iPod, Games Console, Kindle, iPhone, Tablet     
Platforms: Cinema, digital download, radio broadcast, DVD, CD, online content, webpages, streaming. 
Sectors : Moving Image, Audio, Publishing, Digital Games, Websites.         
Products: film/video (films, trailers, documentaries, animations, corporate or training videos
 Drama, adverts, light entertainment shows, music videos, news programmes, factual programmes
Adverts, drama, news and current affairs, light entertainment, podcasts, movie soundtrack e-magazines, e-newspapers, posters, flyers, adverts
Synergy: Cross-media links for one brand or franchise.       
Convergence: Using different devices (mobile phones, tablets, games consoles, laptops, PCs, MP3/MP4 players) to consume the same product.        
Stereotypes: The way or representing groups and individuals in a way that identifies them as belonging to a certain group or type.
Interactivity: Interactivity (between producer/product and consumer)
BBFC: Regulatory body for British Films and British Board of Film Classification.
Production: planning, researching and preparing the product         
Pre-production: planning, researching and preparing the product  
Production: shooting or constructing the elements of the product  
ASA: Advertising Standards Authority Regulatory body for Advertisement.
PEGI: Pan European Game Information Regulatory body for Games

OFCOM: Regulatory body for television and radio

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